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Statement by Dame Nina Ahmed at the 33th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council - Item 3. Promotion and Protection of all Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Including  the Right to Development. 13th - 30th Sept  2016 Auspice Stella - MHRC
Presentation by Flor Calfunao Paillalef at the 32nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council. The Durban Declaration, in its section on racism and discrimination, clearly states that threats and aggression are attacks on human liberty and dignity and that combatting them is a priority for the international community. - June 28, 2016 Auspice Stella - MHRC
Written statement submitted by Auspice Stella to the UN Human Rights Council on the Mapuche Human Rights Situation-Thirty-first session. Xenophobia, Racism and Related Forms of Intolerance Against the Mapuche People of Chile - 22 March 2016 Auspice Stella - MHRC

Written statement submitted by Auspice Stella to the UN Human Rights Council on the Mapuche Human Rights Situation. The villagers complained that they were tied hand and foot, interrogated, accused of committing crimes and savagely abused, including racial slurs - 22 February 2016

Auspice Stella - MHRC
Statement by Dame Nina Saleh Ahmed at the 28th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. "This year the Mapuche commemorate the 130th anniversary of the cessation of armed resistance against the 19th century Chilean and Argentinian armies who had threatened to occupy Araucania and Patagonia or Wallmapu"... Geneva, 13th March 2015 Auspice Stella - MHRC
Statement by Dame Nina Saleh Ahmed at the 28th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention - Geneva, 17th March 2015 Auspice Stella - MHRC

Presentation by Atus Mariqueo-Russell on behalf of Auspice Stella, to the 27th Session of the UN Human Rights Council. Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development. 16th September, 2014

Auspice Stella - MHRC
Communiqué of the Mapuche Permanent Mission to the United Nations. Under this state of repression it would be highly counterproductive to send back our sister Flor Calfunao due to the uncertain consequences for her personal safety - Communiqué - Geneva, August 15, 1013 MPM-UN
Speech of Machi Fidel Tranamil of the Makewe Territory before the UN Human Rights Council. The legitimate social protests are violently interrupted by the Chilean police who have indiscriminately arrested participants including women, the elderly and children. Geneva, September 12-30th, 2011 International Association Against Torture
Speech from Jorge Huenchullan, Werken of Temucuicui community, to the UN Human Rights Council. Our demands of land have been systematically criminalised which we confirm through the police and judicial repression that our Temucuicui community has been persecuted since 1991 by a series of atrocities. Geneva, 12th  - 30th September 2011
Speech from Francisco Painevilo, a Mapuche minor of the Rofue community, to the UN Human Rights Council. I suffered detention, kidnap and torture at the hands of the Chilean police while I was carrying out tasks relating to my cultural role, together with the shaman Fidel Tranamil Nahuel, in communal territorial land. Geneva, 12th – 30th September 2011
Statement given by Chief Juana Calfunao to the UN Human Rights Council. The Mapuche Nation is criminalized, by indictment, by default, in its entirety, by the Chilean government making it impossible to continue living under this system of repression, under which we have endured 200 years of continuous dictatorship, looting, assassinations and as hostages in Chilean prisons. Geneva – 30th May to 17th June  2011
Statement given by Chief Juana Calfunao to the UN Human Rights Council. I have been a victim of persecution, harassment and torture, shot at whilst riding my horse by the Chilean police. I was kept hostage for 6 years and 6 months in prison by the Chilean government, along with my family, sister, children and husband and my 79 years old mother - March 22nd 2011
X UNPO General Assembly resolution regarding the Mapuche people. On the occasion of the Xth session of the UNPO General Assembly, the following Mapuche resolution was adopted. 27-30 May 2010 - Rome, Italy
The Grand Araucanian Wars 1541-1883, in the Kingdom of Chile: The Mapuche Infantry & Cavalry, vs The Spanish Conquerors. The Mapuches accomplished what the mighty Aztec and Inca empires failed so overwhelming to do- to preserve their independence and keep the Spanish invaders at bay. Eduardo Agustin Cruz and Daniel Cruz

Andrea Marifil Calfunao: Presentation of the Mapuche situation before the 11th Session of the Human Rights Council. The democratic government also takes repressive action against those who broadcast and/or document the violation of the Mapuche’s human rights, including visitors to the oppressed communities, as is the case in the community of Temucuicui.

Solemn declaration of the Prince of Araucanía and Patagonia. We declare the following: That the application of mock constitutional recognition, nor any de facto laws that have been implemented by the Chilean governmnent have no validity in the Mapuche nation territorities.

We declare the commercial activities of large companies in the Wallmapu (4), illegal, these are undertaken without the free and prior informed consent of Mapuche communities and their local authorities.


Photo: H.R.H. Prince Philip of Araucania and Patagonia

Photo: H.R.H. Prince Philip of Araucania and Patagonia
Decree of the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia. Established commemorative days and national holidays. London, 6 January 2001 KAP
Statement given by Miss Andrea Marifil to the Human Rights Council. Geneva, 2-27 March 2009 CISA
Intervention of Werken Reynaldo Mariqueo in the Human Rights Council of the UN - Geneva, 18-26th September 2008 GfbV
IX UNPO General Assembly resolution regarding the Mapuche people. 16-17 May 2008, Brussels, Belgium. MIL/RIDC
Mapuches Delegates appeal to the Human Rights Council. Intervention by Reynaldo Mariqueo before the United Nations Human Rights Council Geneva, March 13, 2008 GfbV
Mapuche International Link Delegation in Rome: A Letter to Pope Benedict the XVI. 19th September 2007 European Mapuche Organisations
Americas Program Special Report: Chile's Mapuche People Struggle to Defend Land and Culture. Raúl Zibechi - July 13, 2007  
UNPO General Assembly resolution regarding the Mapuche people. UNPO VIII General Assembly: 27 - 29 de Octubre, 2006 (Taipei - Taiwan) MIL
Mapuche: the other Chile. The Mapuche were the only indigenous Latin Americans not conquered by the Spanish and – after decades of invasion, rout and retreat - the Conquistadores signed the treaty of Quillin in 1641 recognising a Mapuche state to the south of the river Bio-Bio. Justin Vogler - 20 June 2006  
Statement delivered by Mr Reynaldo Mariqueo, to the United Nations, Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights on behalf of Mapuche International Link (57 th Session) 25 th July – 12 th August 2005 Incomindios
Statement delivered by Mrs Barbara Chambers, to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations on behalf of Mapuche International Link (23rd period of session) Geneva 18-22 July 2005 MIL
Resolution of the 7th General Assembly of UNPO regarding the Mapuche people. The Hague - 24, 25 and 26 June 2005 UNPO
Statement of the Special Rapporteur to the 60th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights ONU
The Mapuche People: Between Oblivion and Exclusion. Between 21 April and 1 May 2002, the FIDH conducted an international investigative mission in Chile. This mission was aimed at analyzing the human rights situation in the Mapuche communities. 22 August 2003 FIDH
Statement of Juana Calfunao Paillalef. My mother was thrown off her land and forced to live 25 kilometres from her native community. Temuco July 20 2003 Juana
Statement delivered to the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations on behalf of the Mapuche Inter-regional Council during the (16th Period of Sessions). 27-31 July 1998 CIM
Human Rights Commission: Mapuches denounce the Chilean government at the UN on human rights abuses.16 March - 24 April 1998 CIM/ECCA
The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization Resolution on the Mapuche in Chile . 15-19 July 1997 UNPO
Conference on Non-violence and Conflict: Conditions for Effective Peaceful Change. (Tallin, Estonia ). Statement delivered by Mr Reynaldo Mariqueo. 15-19 July 1997 CIM
European Parliament Resolution on the Mapuche Human Rights Situation in Argentina EU
Statement delivered by Mr Aldisson Anguita to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations on behalf of the Mapuche Inter-regional Council during the (15th Period of Session) . July 28-August 1st 1997 CIM
Statement delivered by Mrs Florinda Cheuquepan to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations on behalf of the Mapuche Inter-regional Council during the (12th Period of Sessions) . July 25-29 1994 CIM
Statement delivered by Mr Reynaldo Mariqueo to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations on behalf of the Committee of Mapuche Exiles during the (4th Period of Sessions). Geneva 2nd. August 1985 CEM
Mapuche Leaders Arrested: Student Kidnapped and Murdered. Communique by Comite Exterior Mapuche . 25th April, 1984 CEM
Communique from the Mapuche Exterior Committee. The new indigenous law constitutes an attack on fundamental rights of the Mapuche by the Chilean military government . April 1979 CEM
Mapuche Declaration of London. First Mapuche meeting of Mapuche in exile in Europa. (London, 25-28 January 1978). CEM

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