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Violent and Massive Police Attacks against the Mapuche Communities of the Wallmapu

Press Release – 12th of January 2012

Information from reliable sources emerging from the region of Araucanía denounces a wave of raids and arbitrary detentions by the Chilean police. The operations were carried out by large numbers of police, in addition to unidentified civilians, presumably paramilitary personnel contracted by estate owners and forestry companies who have established themselves on the ancestral territory of the Mapuche Nation.

The raids are carried out at any time of the day or night, using heavy weaponry such as armoured vehicles, military trucks and helicopters.

On the 8th of January, at approximately 1am, the Mapuche community ‘Cacique José Guiñón’, located in the San Ramón region, Municipality of Ercilla, was raided. Other communities have also been targeted as Dr. José Venturelli, the European Secretariat of the Ethical Commission Against Torture, reported “From 6am on that same day, some 200 troops of the special carabinero forces, with short and long range weapons and teargas bombs, began the assault on the Chequenko community” Which is also located in the Ercilla region.

For her part, Rayen Calfunao, member of the Permanent Mapuche Mission at the UN, confirmed that: “The house of the couple Lonko (Chief) José Cariqueo and Machi (Shaman) Adriana Loncomilla, located in the Cacique José Guiñon community, was attacked by the police at one in the morning”. She added that “The Machi’s son Jorge Mariman Loncomilla and a nine year-old nephew were wounded in the stomach and in the arms as a result of the firearms used.” It was also reported that for more than two hours the police prevented community member Teresa Millaqueo, who is 8-months pregnant, from being taken to A&E at the Hospital in Victoria with symptoms of sickness, nausea and vomiting caused by inhaling teargas thrown by the police.

It must be highlighted that the use of teargas bombs by carabineros inside Mapuche communities was prohibited by a judicial ruling on the 22nd of December 2011, despite this its use continues. It is symptomatic that on one hand the Chilean authorities demand that Mapuches respect the Rule of Law, while on the other, the police constantly violate it while the local authorities turn a blind eye.

This flagrant transgression of the Rule of Law was – once again – clear with these latest raids, in which the police ignored all the legal procedures, such as showing search warrants or detention orders, as the law demands.

Mapuche organisations and defenders of human rights have reported that the various police deployments that are raiding the communities of Araucanía are being commanded by General Iván Bezmalinovic, in charge of the IX Division of Carabineros. As the affected community members reported, this General is responsible for ordering the use of torture against community members, tortures in which he himself participates personally.

On the 10th of January the Mapuche community José Jineo Ñanco of the Rofue area was violently attacked by military police. This attack took place when community members from the area had carried out a direct action protest against the construction of an airport in their ancestral territory without any consultation, a project that contravenes ILO (International Labour Organisation) Convention 169, according to human rights activists. The police used teargas bombs, hit women and children, including a woman community member with her 18-month-old baby in her arms. Subsequently, the police arrested Guillermina Painevilo and Jessica Guzmán, who are still being detained at the 3rd Police Station of Padre Las Casas, IX Region of Araucanía, accused of ‘aggression against carabineros'.

The recent fires in the Region of Araucanía that have cost the lives of 7 people, including firemen, have been used by government spokespersons to create anti-Mapuche feeling with the sole aim of criminalising their rightful claims for the return of their ancestral lands. The General Secretary of Mapuche International Link, Werken Reynaldo Mariqueo, pointed out that “It is irresponsible of president Piñera to announce the use of the Antiterrorist Law and the State Internal Security Law against Mapuche community leaders because of the mere fact that they have territorial disputes with the forestry companies affected by the fires” He added that “To accuse a section of the population prior to investigation and without any tangible evidence due to their ethnic origin is a clear indication of racism on the part of the current Chilean administration”.

For her part, Ana Piquer, Executive Director of Amnesty International, declared to the media regarding the latest raids and repression faced by Mapuche communities that: "The Government must investigate whether there are indeed people responsible (… ) but she adds that they should not “start from the premise that it was the Mapuche communities”; she also expressed her reservations regarding the application of the Antiterrorist Law, and stated that in her view the government decision was a “rather hasty judgement” because “it implies the application of a law that for us is a problem in itself”.

The wave of arbitrary raids, urged by the forestry companies and estate owners of the Araucanía Region, has increased as a consequence of the government's declarations and editorials in the press, which also has economic interests in Mapuche territory. Official sources have indicated that the police drew up a list of 42 Mapuche leaders, allegedly “Suspected of arson attacks”. This arbitrary fact is a clear symptom of the political persecution suffered by the Mapuche leaders who are fighting for justice and for the return of their ancestral lands.

The use of the Antiterrorist Law against the Mapuche gives the police free reign to detain, torture and raid as many communities as they please. It is important to underline that the continuation of this repressive practice will allow the police to repeat the scenario already experienced by numerous communities; among them the Juan Paillalef Community. Where, in addition to police planting evidence, theft of money, attacks on domestic animals, destruction of equipment and crops, the removal of communication materials and tools also occurred. It must not be forgotten that the Chilean repression is also intended to impoverish and wear down those Mapuche communities fighting for their rights. 

Lastly, it becomes necessary more than ever to show that the state of terror and violence has not succeeded, nor will it succeed, in holding up the struggle of the Mapuche people for their territorial, economic, social and cultural rights, nor will it undermine the exercising of the right to autonomy and self determination that all people are entitled too.


Translated by Leslie Ray


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