Public Statement Made by Mapuche Communities of Makewe

Tuesday January 10, 2012

The communities of the Makewe territories, who reject the construction of a new regional airport in our territory, state the following:

1-.Once again, we strongly denounce this project that invades Mapuche land and life, as no dialogue with affected communities has ever been started or continued. We ​​are opposed with our lives to this multinational corporate project.

2 -. We also denounce that various media has been used by government delegations to hide the true magnitude of opposition to its new regional airport. Without going further, during yesterday Monday 09 January, Minister Lavin announced a dialogue with communities in the area. This was in a secret conversation, hidden from the communities that truly represent the territory. This media manipulation seems outrageous and is directly manufactured by the government itself.

3-.As a rejection of these actions, the Makewe territory has been mobilized since yesterday and we are expressing ourselves by blocking the main road access routes to Temuco. Today however, we have seen the repression of the communities of the area, who were not participating in the demonstrations, go too far: Members of the GOPE and police entered without warrants to whichever houses they wanted, surrounding the community with two helicopters that tried countless times to land in our yards. More than 200 police officers surrounded our homes and even detained two women who were guarding their home from tear gas and police shooting their animals.

4 -. Our women were attacked, receiving butts in various parts of the faces and bodies INSIDE THEIR OWN YARD, and when they did not allow the police into their land, they were arrested, tearing a child of a year and a half from the arms of his mother leaving him without anyone to care for him and his two siblings, both minors, who witnessed and tried to resist the violent beating and arrest of their mother and sister.

5 -. At this time, the two sisters are being held in the third police station of Padre las Casas, waiting to be formally charged, which will take place tomorrow. Even police officers in command, addressed the issue in the national press, declaring that these women had escaped along with hooded protesters who started the rally. These are irresponsible words by the executors of aggression and human rights abuses in Mapuche territory.

6 -. We declare that all these accusations are part of a deliberate government attempt to criminalize the Mapuche struggle for the defence of their land throughout the Wallmapu (Mapuche territory). Firstly, by accusing the Mapuche movement of being responsible for igniting the forest fires that plague our area and now, by accusing our sisters of aggression, when they themselves were the true victims of police brutality in the Territory of Makewe.

7 - However, these measures of repression against the Mapuche people defending their territory do not frighten us and instead, give us more strength to continue in the defence of our life, our sacred natural spaces and our self-determination within Mapuche communities.


Makewe-Rofue Territory


Translated by Alejandro Fernandez



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