Farm in process of recovery by Mapuche community Wente Winkul Mapu was evicted by force, Chile

Armoured police evicting the farm

March 4, 2013

Today around 10 am, entered with much violence and provocation a strong contingent of Chilean military police to the farm Chiwaiwue productively occupied by the community Wente Winkul Mapu, causing the destruction of buildings made by the peñi, necessary to carry forward a productive process.

It should be recalled that the community has started a productive recovery process and territorial control two months ago, in which organized and communally they have carried outa totally self-managed process, where they have effectively made the territorial claims of the Mapuche nation.

Given this new police attack, the community decided not to fall into the game and provocations of the Special Forces and retired voluntarily and peacefully. The violence and destruction was only on the part of the militarized police, as is customary to happen everywhere where they show themselves.

While the community has voluntarily withdrawn from the recovered estate, they have not abandoned the legitimate demands of the Mapuche people, which are the right to territoryand self-determination.

Source: Maricheweu International, translated from

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